
Don’t Trust These Zero Trust Security Myths

In today’s threat landscape, businesses are constantly at risk of being targeted by a cyberattack. Adopting a zero trust security model could be a wise decision from a cybersecurity point of view. Zero trust works on the premise that everything — humans, machines or applications — poses a risk to your network and must prove…


3 Steps to Zero Trust Cybersecurity for Small Businesses

Cyberattacks have become rampant and have also grown in sophistication. A simple lapse in your network security could lead to a chain of events that could prove catastrophic for your business. You can avoid this by implementing a robust cybersecurity framework such as zero trust. Zero trust asserts that no user or application should be…


How to Successfully Leverage AI in Your Business

Artificial intelligence (AI) can help organizations like yours gain an edge in today’s highly competitive business landscape by increasing efficiency, productivity and profitability. You can improve customer service, enhance marketing efforts, optimize inventory management, streamline sales processes and more. Implementing AI requires a strategic approach to ensure that it delivers the intended benefits while being…


What to Look for in an Outsourced IT Partner

In today’s digital age, most businesses rely heavily on technology to streamline their operations and stay ahead of the competition. However, managing an entire IT infrastructure in-house can be overwhelming and costly. That’s where outsourcing IT services comes into play. By partnering with a reliable and efficient outsourced IT provider, you can offload the complexities…


Don’t Let These Outsourced IT Myths Limit Your Success

In today’s fast-paced and digitally driven world, the demands placed on the IT infrastructure of businesses like yours are ever-increasing. To meet these challenges head-on, embracing outsourced IT services and entrusting your technological needs to an expert third-party provider is the best option. By partnering with these specialists, you can tap into a wealth of…


The Interim DFARS Rule and What It Means for You

The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) was formally made part of the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) in January 2020 and updated to CMMC 2.0 in November 2021. The decision affected more than 300,000 defense industrial base (DIB) members, and many found themselves drowning in all kinds of unnecessary noise surrounding CMMC and its…


Get Ready for CMMC Requirements Now

Anyone offering a sure-shot solution to all your Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) woes is trying to pull a fast one on you. The CMMC is a comprehensive move by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) that involves many moving parts and will take years to implement fully. We have highlighted some crucial aspects you…


How to Stay Ahead of AI-Powered Cybersecurity Risks

While artificial intelligence (AI) has many benefits for businesses, it has also created new vulnerabilities that cybercriminals can exploit to carry out complex cyberattacks that are difficult to detect and mitigate. Using AI, hackers can create convincing phishing emails that bypass spam filters. Similarly, cybercriminals can leverage AI to manipulate security systems and gain unauthorized…


Why Your Business Needs a Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan

Even on a good day, being a business owner is challenging. Apart from dealing with and effectively solving multiple problems, you also need the foresight to arm your business with the right tools and solutions to tackle any issues that might arise later. One issue you should always prioritize is data loss/data corruption and business…


Key Considerations When Selecting the Right Cyber Insurance Coverage

Is your business prepared to confront today’s growing cybersecurity threats? Although adopting the latest technologies and industry trends is undoubtedly crucial, it is equally important to ensure that your business has the best cyber liability insurance. Think of it as an invisible shield protecting your business from devastating losses. However, to harness its full potential…