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Android Provides Additional Find-Your-Phone Option

By developer / June 15, 2016

If you’re one of the millions of users with an Android phone, then you already know there are a couple of different ways you can find it if you happen to misplace it. You can use the built-in search feature, or the Device Manager app. As of now, Google has rolled out an additional option,…

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Emails With Zepto Ransomware On The Rise

By developer / June 15, 2016

Security researchers from Cisco’s Talos Group have discovered a huge and disturbing spike in spam emails containing a widely used ransomware called Zepto. In fact, the team has uncovered 137,731 such emails over just a four-day period, containing more than three thousand unique samples. These emails use simple social engineering tricks to give them a…

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Search Results Look Weird? You Might Be Infected

By developer / June 14, 2016

Have you been noticing “strange” search results when you’re surfing the web? Have your search results been taking longer than usual to appear? You may have been infected by a new, very clever bit of malware known as Redirector.Paco. There are actually two flavors of this malicious software, the key differences between them is that…

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Have Bots Taken Over The Internet?

By developer / June 13, 2016

What percentage of total internet traffic would you estimate that bots (non-human visitors) account for? Twenty percent? Thirty percent? Unfortunately, according to data released by DeviceAtlas, a company that makes software to detect the kinds of devices web visitors are using, reveals that non-human sources account for a staggering 48% of all web traffic. This…

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That USB Phone Charger Might Be Stealing Your Data

By developer / June 11, 2016

If you haven’t yet heard of “KeySweeper,” you have a new threat to be on the lookout for. The KeySweeper device is built with off the shelf, Arduino components. These can be programmed for a variety of purposes, but the hacking community is using them as stealthy keylogging devices. By all outward appearances, the device…

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Don’t Turn Off Security Updates To Avoid Windows 10 Upgrade

By developer / June 10, 2016

In recent months, Microsoft has made a number of very good, highly popular moves that have had its customers raving about its apparent change. This latest incident, however, isn’t one of those. Microsoft has been accused of resorting to malware-style tactics to try and force Windows 7 and 8 users to upgrade to Windows 10,…

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Technology is ruining your life!

By developer / June 9, 2016

Whoa! Wait a minute! Why would you say that when SunRiver IT is a technology company? Actually, we are a customer service company that focuses on supporting the technology for Nashville area businesses. As you get to know me and my writing, you will learn that I tell a story in my blog posts. Stories…

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Are You Ready For A 10 Core Processor?

By developer / June 9, 2016

You’ve probably got either a dual- or quad-core computer sitting on your desk right now, but if you love bleeding edge technology, then you’re going to want to upgrade after reading this. Recently, at the Computex trade show in Taipei, intel unveiled its first ever 10-core processor, designed for the home market (although why these…

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A Number Of Major Manufacturer Laptops May Have Security Risks

By developer / June 8, 2016

Security firm Duo Security recently published a disturbing report relating to laptop security. It found critical security flaws in laptops produced by five of the largest OEMs: Acer, Asus, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, and Lenovo. If you’ve purchased, and are currently using laptops from these manufacturers, you are potentially at risk. Specifically, what the security firm found…

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We are taking Nashville IT service to the next level

By developer / June 8, 2016

A long time ago, a good friend of mine said to me that you may think you have the best service but, until you have a customer that says it, you are just thinking highly of yourself. I took that seriously throughout my entire career. Now that I am here at SunRiver IT, I am…

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