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Will Your Next Virus Come From Your Microphone and Speakers?

By developer / May 26, 2016

It may sound like science fiction, but researchers have now proven that computer viruses can not only be transmitted via your computer’s audio system, they can even communicate with each other via that same medium. The hard-to-believe story began some three years ago, when security expert Dragos Ruiu found several of his PC’s infected with…

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Will Viv Replace Siri in Upcoming iOS Devices?

By developer / May 25, 2016

You may not know the name Dag Kittlaus, but you almost certainly know his creation, Siri, which was the world’s first voice-based digital assistant. Since Siri’s creation and launch, most of the big names in the Tech world have come out with their own versions: Amazon has Alexa, Microsoft has Cortana, and Google has a…

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Microsoft Password Share Feature Gets The Boot In Latest Update

By developer / May 24, 2016

Microsoft has made a number of good, smart, customer-centric moves lately, especially where Windows 10 is concerned. Their latest decision to quietly kill off a feature called WiFi Sense is a continuation of that trend. If you’ve not heard of WiFi sense, you’re not alone. The feature was little publicized, and rarely used. What it…

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FDIC Data Breach May Have Put Personal Information At Risk

By developer / May 23, 2016

Yes, even the FDIC, the government agency that insures banks, is vulnerable to data breaches. In this instance, a cluster of internal breaches was reported recently as part of congressional oversight, where activities that put consumer information at risk must be brought to the attention of congress. It was recently discovered that a number of…

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Don’t Trust Tech Support Pop Ups; Call Us First

By developer / May 21, 2016

An old scam has recently gotten a facelift to make it less threatening, and it has proved to be devastatingly effective. You’ve probably run across scam sites offering technical support for your computer system before. Typically, they replicate the dreaded “Blue Screen Of Death,” and warn you that your computer has a serious problem. To…

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Hard Drive Failures Account For Majority of Data Loss

By developer / May 20, 2016

If you’ve ever booted up your computer and gotten a cryptic “drive not found” message, you’re not alone. In fact, about one third of all data loss occurs because of this very error message. Drives simply failing to appear on your directory structure at all. Of course, when that happens, all the data they once…

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Windows 10 Upgrade Won’t Be Free Much Longer

By developer / May 19, 2016

Microsoft won a lot of hearts and minds with their decision to make the upgrade to Windows 10 free for an extended period of time. That’s also the reason that Windows 10 has seen the fastest adoption rate of any version of Windows in the company’s entire history. All good things, however, must come to…

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Android Attack Bills Itself as Google Chrome Update

By developer / May 18, 2016

You’ve probably heard by now that hacks and attacks are getting more and more sophisticated as time goes by. This latest malware attack, is a perfect example of this increasing sophistication in action. The simple reality is that hacks succeed more often when they are disguised as a helpful program that people instinctively want to…

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ADP Latest To Get Hit By Hackers – Was Your Account Affected?

By developer / May 17, 2016

ADP is the world’s largest HR firm, handling tax and payroll accounts for more than 640,000 companies that collectively employ millions of people. It may be possible that your company is one of the hundreds of thousands that rely on ADP for this function. Much has been said in the recent past about the growing…

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Email Password Hack Not As Bad As First Thought

By developer / May 16, 2016

Not long ago, a company called Hold Security issued a report of its rather disturbing finding. A massive database was found for sale in the dark corners of the internet, containing nearly three hundred million email addresses and passwords. This information was collected from all of the biggest email providers, including, Aol, Google, Yahoo,…

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